A Story in Motion is a truth-full short digital story that expresses previously untold thoughts an feelings as you navigate illness and treatments.
We use your choice of imagery and your words that can be spoken by you, all woven together with music that serves to tell your story which can ultimately improve your mental wellness.
In my work with the Brooksong Retreat and Cancer Support Centre I guide in-person and online retreats for people living with cancer, as well as those living with other life shortening illnesses, we explore ways to tell and reshape those Stories- the challenges that confront us and the unexpected joys discovered. These are some examples of the Stories in Motion that I created in collaboration with those journeying.
The Story of the here and now of Lewy Body Syndrome with Parkinson's
Marylou had lived with cancer, chose to end her life through MAID.
The power of resilience in the face of challenge
"This has helped in my healing process through this cancer journey that will be part of the rest of my life."
Coming to terms with what is
"This brought out the creative process of writing poetry that I didn't think I had."
Facing Mortality
"This allowed me to open up in a way to show my feelings and thoughts with my family - for them to get a better understanding of what I was feeling and going through in my cancer journey."
Reflecting on lessons learned
"My very personal story became more whole and more healing as I worked with Fay by attaching sound and visuals."
An emotional, heartfelt understanding of the journey
"Fay has taught me to expand my perceptions using techniques that have shown me new ways of looking at myself, my relationships, my world."
Renee Ernewein 1971-2022. Never to be forgotten.
This was my first Story in Motion. It was an honour to work with Renee. We learned so much from each other. She died shortly after this and her piece was shown at her Celebration of Life.